Petitioner approached this Court praying for issuance of writ of mandamus seeking a direction to the respondents to re-open the common portal to enable the petitioner to file Tran-1 Form, which could not be uploaded as the portal was not operative.
Learned counsel for the parties are agreed that similar issue came up before this Court and a bunch of writ petitions were disposed of by a common order dated 21.5.2018 passed in CWP No. 4180 of 2018 M/s Surinder Arora Enterprises vs State of Punjab and others and the present writ petition can also be disposed of in terms thereof.
A perusal of the aforesaid order shows that liberty was granted to the petitioners therein to file representation to the I. T. Redressal Committee.
The present writ petition stands disposed of in terms of the order passed in M/s Surinder Arora Enterprises’s case (supra).