Petitioner-Assessee has to file his annual return for the Assessment Year 2017-18 by 31.8.2019 under the CGST and HGST. However, it is handicapped on account of inadvertent mistakes/errors having occurred while filing statutory forms GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B, which can be corrected in view of legal provisions, however, same are not being accepted by official portal of the department. The prayer is thus for either permitting the submission of annual return in the manual form or permitting the correction of original mistakes in the statutory forms concerned on the GST portal by granting permission.
Notice of motion for 27.8.2019.
Mr. Sourabh Goel, Advocate accepts notice on behalf of respondents No. 1, 3 and 4. Ms. Mamta Singla Talwar, DAG Haryana accepts notice on behalf of respondent No. 5. Requisite number of paperbooks have been furnished.
Let notice to private respondent No. 2 be served through dasti summons only for the said date.
To be shown in the urgent list.