Learned counsel, Sri Jeevan J Neeralgi, accepts notice for the respondents.
2. In the instant writ petition, the petitioner has prayed for the following reliefs:
i) Issue a writ of mandamus or a direction in the nature of mandamus directing the respondents to reopen the GST common portal of filing GST Tran-01 in order to avail the eligible credit in the electronic credit ledger of petitioner.
ii) Issue writ of mandamus or writ in the nature of mandamus directing the Resp-5 to consider the representation dated 6.3.2019 at Annexure-A insofar as the petitioner is concerned;
iii) Issue writ of mandamus or writ in the nature of mandamus directing the respondents to accept the manual/hard copy of the GST Tran-01.
iv) Issue writ of mandamus or writ in the nature of mandamus directing the respondents to credit the transactional credit to petitioners electronic cash ledger.
3. The issue involved herein is no more res integra in view of the order of this Court dated 19.11.2019 in W.P.No.33290/2019 and connected matters, whereby this Court has extended the period to file/revise the TRAN-1 by the registered persons under the Central Goods and Services Act, 2017 by 31.12.2019. Hence, the petitioner is entitled to avail the extended period for filing/revising of TRAN-01 as aforesaid.
Writ petition stands disposed of accordingly.