CM APPLs. 14708-14709/2020
Allowed, subject to just exceptions.
W.P.(C) 4103/2020 & CM APPL. 14707/2020
The petition has been listed before this Bench by the Registry in view of the urgency expressed therein. The same has been heard by way of video conferencing.
Present writ petition has been filed challenging the legality and validity of para 10 of the ‘Bringing the Directorate General of Anti-Profiteering under Superintendence, Direction and Control of the National Anti-Profiteering Authority –Notification of detailed Guidelines by NAA’ dated 04th October, 2019 issued by the respondent No.2 as well as the validity of all consequential notices and proceedings initiated by the respondents.
After some arguments, learned counsel for petitioners wishes to withdraw the present writ petition and application with liberty to raise all pleas and defences raised in the present writ petition before the National Anti-Profiteering Authority.
With the aforesaid liberty, present writ petition and application are dismissed as withdrawn. All rights and contentions of the parties are left open.
The order be uploaded on the website forthwith. Copy of the order be also forwarded to the learned counsel through e-mail.