M.S. Kumar, B.S. Mahabaleshwarappa, S/O Shivappa, And Others vs. The State Of Karnataka
(Karnataka High Court, Karnataka)

Case Law
Petitioner / Applicant
M.S. Kumar, B.S. Mahabaleshwarappa, S/O Shivappa, And Others
The State Of Karnataka
Karnataka High Court
Feb 5, 2020
Order No.
WRIT PETITION NOS.3343-3346 OF 2019 & WRIT PETITION NOS.4397-4400 OF 2019 (GM-KEB)
TR Citation
2020 (2) TR 1536
Related HSN Chapter/s
Related HSN Code



The short grievance of the petitioners is against the alleged deduction of GST instead of VAT as per the stipulations contained in Tender Notification; this grievance is founded on a legal premise that the GST becomes payable with effect from 1.7.2017 and till then, what was leviable was VAT only, the rate of former being little higher than that of the latter.

2. After service of notice, the respondents having entered appearance through their Panel Counsel, resist the Writ Petition by filing the Statement of Objections contending that no material particulars of the works accomplished have been furnished in the Writ Petition and that if the petitioners make an appropriate representation supported by evidentiary material to prima facie show that certain works were done prior to 1.7.2017 and that even in respect of such works, GST has been levied instead of VAT, the same would be considered expeditiously after hearing the petitioners in person; this stand of the respondents is fair and reasonable.

In the above circumstances, this Writ Petition is disposed off reserving liberty to the petitioners to make an appropriate representation to the jurisdictional respondents producing all evidentiary material in support of his claim within three weeks; if such a representation is made within three weeks, the respondents concerned shall take a decision thereon after giving a personal hearing to the petitioners or their agent and further that the result of such consideration shall be made known to the petitioners, within eight weeks.

If the delay is brooked in taking such a decision within the period prescribed as above the jurisdictional respondents shall be liable to pay a cost of ₹ 5,000/- for the delay of each week, to the petitioners collectively and from their own purse.

It is needless to mention that the respondents may solicit any information or documents from the petitioners as are required for the decision making on the representation, subject to the rider that in the guise of such solicitation, delay shall not be brooked.

All contentions of the parties are kept open.

No costs, now.

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  • m s kumar b s mahabaleshwarappa s o shivappa and others vs the state of karnataka karnataka high court

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