BUSY Success Stories – Giani

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Gianis is a popular name among the ice cream lovers for more than sixty years, and people of all the generations like the flavours and the taste. Not only the kids but people from all age groups relish their ice creams, Sundaes, Kulfi, ice cream cake and other delicacies. Today Gianis is not restricted to only one place but has numerous franchise pan India.


Gianis is a retail company with multiple outlets across India. The major requirement of the company was fast billing and item-wise slip printing at the counters. Different pricing structures needed for dine-in customers and customer that only order take away items. Being registered under the GST regime, it also required to timely file GST return and reports apart from issuing GST inclusive bills. The company also wanted to send promotional schemes or discounts to its customers via SMS or Email.
To summarize, significant challenges for the company before selecting software were:

  • Fast and Hassle-Free Billing – Company wanted fast and hassle-free billing and wanted to print item wise slips like a separate slip for each item to be given at various counters.

  • GST Compliance – Company needed to issue bills that clearly states the item amount and the GST amount. Also, the software should handle GST report and return filling simply and effectively.

  • Multiple Pricing Structures – Company needed pre-defined pricing structures in case the goods are packed for take away. Take away or packing charges are to be applied in case the ice cream and other products are packed and given to the customers.

  • Head Office / Branch Office Synchronization – Company, wanted to have smooth integration between the Head Office and the Branch Office data.

  • Notification Facility – Company has a vast customer base and wanted to keep its customer updated as soon as an offer is launched by it.

  • Automatic Generation of Production vouchers – Company needed an automated system of generating production vouchers for the items sold by it.


BUSY’s Channel Partner arranged a meeting with the Company’s CFO, Mr Taranjeet Singh and explained all the simple and effective solutions BUSY has for them. Mr Singh meticulously studied each & every solution offered to their requirements and without any delay decided to use BUSY software for all their business requirements. Solutions, as suggested to them were:

  • POS Billing – With BUSY’s Point of Sale (POS) feature, all the data can be pre-defined so that minimum data entry needs to be done at the billing counter. This provided rapid, fast and easy billing at retail counters.

  • Strong GST module – BUSY has a powerful GST module and offers effortless and easy data entry for GST bills. GST Reports / Returns could be generated without any difficulty with various messages/warnings/ help shown at each stage of report generation.

  • Multiple Price Structure – BUSY provides multiple price structures using which prices can be pre-defined item-wise, party-wise, category wise and so on.

  • HO / BO Module – Head Office / Branch Office module of BUSY helped in coordinating all the Branch offices with the Head Office. As all the Branches are well connected, it became effortless to view the consolidated stock or the stock available / required at different Branches, i.e. ice cream parlors.

  • SMS / Email Module – With Send SMS / Email feature, the company can swiftly send SMS, Emails to all its customer in one go.

  • Utilities – Auto Generation of Production voucher utility auto generates a Production voucher for negative stock which is very much suitable to their design.

Effortless management of pricing structures, head office/branch office synchronization, simplified tax solutions and SMS / Email facility is worthy of praise. We are contented to use the software and would recommend it to other business houses also.
Taranjeet Singh (Director, Giani Ice Cream)
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BUSY is a simple, yet powerful GST / VAT compliant Business Accounting Software that has everything you need to grow your business.

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