BUSY Success Stories – Tops

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Tops ventured into the business of high quality processed foods in 1985 with Tops noodles. Riding high on this success, over the years, Tops Pickles, Tops Jams and Tops Sauces also became top favourites with food lovers across the country. Today, the path-breaking spirit of Mr Brij and Mr Chand Seth has brought immense popularity to Tops all over India and in as many as 25 countries around the world.


Being an FMCG company, Tops operates in high volume and have a multi-tier distribution network. Tops is one of the renowned brands in the processed foods industry. They have to make frequent purchases and maintain perishable inventory all the time. The company has many items in its product line. All items are perishable and need to be moved as per their manufacturing & expiry date. Moreover, at all times, the management wanted to know the exact number of days it has been in stock from its day of manufacturing or purchase. An item, to reach a customer, goes through distributors, wholesalers and retailers. Every entity involved has its markup on the product. The company wanted to maintain all its items accordingly. The volume of sale was high, so the company also required to know the exact amount that was to be received from the market. Besides, it needed to see the ageing of each bill to ascertain the number of days in which the payment is received from each party.
To summarize, significant challenges for the company before selecting software were:

  • Maintaining inventory based on Manufacturing and Expiry date – As all the products of Tops are perishable, it is essential to maintain manufacturing and expiry date with each item and to know in advance the items that are near to expiry date.

  • Multiple Item Pricing – As there are many entities involved in the chain of the sale process, like Wholesalers, Distributors, and Retailers hence the company has to maintain separate pricing and discount policy for each category.

  • Party Outstanding – The Company wanted to know at any given time, the exact amount of money receivable from the parties. It also wanted to ascertain ageing of the bills.

  • Extensive stock related reports – Company needed numerous stock related reports with each report giving complete details about the stock.


The owners of Tops Company contacted Mr Sachin Jain, a channel partner of BUSY, for a demo. After a detailed demo, they were convinced and asked for the implementation of BUSY on their premises. Once implemented, BUSY was able to meet all their requirements through its specific modules. Solutions, as provided to them, are:

Batch-wise feature in the inventory management module was implemented. This helped maintain manufacturing and expiry date with each & every unit of item. Apart from manufacturing and expiry date, it offered multiple checks and controls such as not issuing stock when certain days of its expiry are left.

The company was also able to view batch-wise stock issuable and receivable reports and batch-wise expired items report.

  • BUSY implemented different pricing mode for Sale & Purchase transactions. With its Multiple Price List feature, it could maintain prices of each item on 26 different categories. With Item Qty-wise Price / Discount structure, it could specify in advance the prices and discounts offered to a party based on item quantity.

  • BUSY offered outstanding analysis reports through which they were able to view bills/amount receivable and payables. BUSY provides Ageing reports on a FIFO basis for both stock and party (receivable and payable). Ageing of a bill is divided into various slabs such as 0 to 30 days, from 30 to 60 days and so on.

  • BUSY offered exhaustive stock related reports, be it Stock status, Stock ledger, report of unmoved goods, item critical level reports & many more as per their requirement.

We have been associated with BUSY since quiet a long time now. The best thing about the software is that it has scaled up with our growth and has supported us fully in every growth phase. The product has made our business easy-to-manage and optimized our business processes. The support is prompt and meets our satisfaction levels.
Nitin Seth (Director, GD Foods Pvt. Ltd)
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