Case Studies

Here are some real-world instances of how our software has helped businesses streamline their accounting processes, save time and money, and achieve their financial goals. These case studies highlight the unique challenges faced by each business and demonstrate how BUSY Accounting Software provided tailored solutions to address their specific needs. Whether you are looking for inspiration or considering BUSY Accounting Software for your own business, our case studies offer valuable insights into the benefits and capabilities of our software.


Industry: Stationery

Challenges: Bittoo faced challenges in robust inventory management, pre-sale/purchase cycle, and implementing multiple pricing structures.

Solution: BUSY addressed the challenges faced by Bittoo through solutions like inventory management, order management, multiple price structures, a strong GST module, and the HO/BO module.

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Industry: F&B Retail

Challenges: Giani faced challenges in achieving a streamlined billing experience, seamless GST compliance, versatile pricing options, and an effective notification system.

Solution: BUSY accounting software successfully addressed Giani’s challenges through features like effortless POS billing, hassle-free GST integration, versatile price structures, efficient HO/BO module, and quick SMS/email communication.

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Industry: FMCG

Challenges: Tops encountered challenges in maintaining inventory, managing multiple item pricing, handling party outstanding, and generating stock-related reports.

Solution: BUSY accounting software offered solutions to address Tops challenges in inventory management, a strong GST module, and implementing multiple price structures.

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Industry: FMCG

Challenges: Fresca faced challenges in maintaining inventory, implementing date and party-wise pricing, managing orders/challans, integrating HO/BO operations, and ensuring GST compliance.

Solution: BUSY accounting software addressed Fresca’s challenges with batch and MRP-wise features, configurable pricing, streamlined workflow, HO/BO module, and simplified GST solutions.

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Industry:Books & Publishing

Challenges: NBT faced challenges in inventory management, multiple item pricing, party outstanding, and stock-related reports.

Solution: BUSY accounting software provided solutions to address NBT’s challenges in inventory management, a strong GST module, and implementing multiple price structures.

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