How to Generate E-way Bills through SMS?


    A user can manage e-way bills either on the e-way bill portal or through SMS.

    The facility to generate and manage e-way bills using SMS comes in very handy when you need to generate only a single e-way bill and/or don’t have internet access available. The facility is mainly meant for smaller taxpayers, who may not have many daily transactions that require e-way bills, and hence it may not be feasible for them to maintain the requisite IT infrastructure. However, you can use the SMS facility in case of emergencies as well, for example, if the vehicle transporting the goods breaks down and you need to update the e-way bill with the new vehicle details.

    You can do the following activities using the SMS facility:

    • Generate E-Way Bill
    • Cancel E-Way Bill
    • Update the Transporter
    • Get E-Way Bills generated by other party
    • Reject E-Way Bill
    • Update Vehicle Details

    While the method itself is quite simple, you need to be careful that you send the SMS in exactly the right format, else the information in the e-way bill may not be correct.

    In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step process of generating and managing e-way bills through SMS.

    How to Register for E-Way Bills through SMS Facility

    To register for the SMS facility to manage e-way bills, follow the steps below:

    Step 1: Log in to the E-way bill portal and click on Registration on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Expand the drop-down and select For SMS.

    Step 2: The registered mobile number under GSTIN gets displayed partially. Select Send OTP and enter the OTP generated. To proceed, click on Verify OTP.

    Only mobile numbers with accounts on the website can register for the SMS service. One GSTIN can have a maximum of two mobile numbers registered against it. If your mobile number was used to generate more than one User ID, you must choose the desired User ID/username and click Submit.

    SMS Format for Generating E-way bills

    To generate an e-way bill on a mobile device, text 77382 99899. Each parameter must have exactly one blank space next to it, but there should be no space after the last parameter.

    The SMS format for E-way bill generation for transporters is:

    EWBT TranType SuppGSTIN RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist Vehicle

    The SMS format for E-way bill generation for taxpayers is –

    EWBG TranType RecGSTIN DelPinCode InvNo InvDate TotalValue HSNCode ApprDist Vehicle

    Each of the parameters appearing in the two formats above is described in the following table:

    Parameter Description
    EWBG Keyword to Generate E-Way Bill.
    TranType Type of the Transaction.
    RecGSTIN Recipient’s GSTIN, as provided by GST or URP for Un-Registered Person
    DelPinCode PIN Code of the Place of Delivery of the Goods as per Invoice
    InvNo Invoice or Bill Number of the Document of the goods
    InvDate Invoice or Bill Date of the Document of the goods
    TotalValue Total Invoice / Bill Value of the Goods
    HSNCode HSN Code of the Goods
    ApprDist Approximate Distance To travel between Consignor & Consignee in KMs
    Vehicle Vehicle Number which will carry the goods
    EWBT Keyword to Generate E-Way Bill for Transporter only
    SuppGSTIN Supplier’s GSTIN, as provided by GST or URP for Un-Registered Person

    Note that the SMS facility does not support parameters like ‘Bill To’ and ‘Ship To’ and the vehicle mode cannot be Over Dimensional Cargo

    SMS Format for Updating Vehicle Details

    Only the taxpayer or transporter who generated the e-waybill may alter the vehicle’s information. Furthermore, according to the distance specified in the e-Way Bill, vehicle details may be updated during the term of validity. The following SMS format must be used to update information on the vehicle transporting the consignment:

    EWBV EWB_NO Veh_Tran_No ReasCode Mode

    Parameter Description
    EWBV Keyword to update the vehicle number in the E-Way Bill.
    EWB_No 12 digit E-Way Bill number where the vehicle number needs to be updated
    Veh_Tran_No The registration number of the new vehicle for the transport of goods
    ReasCode Reason Code to indicate why the vehicle number is being added. The following codes can be used:FST – First Time VehicleBRK – Breakdown,TRS – TransshipmentOTH – Others
    Mode Numeric code to denote the mode of transportation. The codes can be any of the following:1 – Road2 – Rail3 – Air4 – Ship

    SMS Format for Cancelling an E-way Bill

    An E-way bill can be terminated within 24 hours of generating it, and a verified E-way bill cannot be cancelled. The SMS format used to cancel an E-way bill is:


    Parameter Description
    EWBC Keyword to cancel an E-Way Bill
    EWB_No 12 digits E-Way Bill Number which needs to be cancelled

    SMS Format to Get List of E-Way Bills Generated by Others

    The format to check e-way bills others have generated is as below:

    EWBL Date

    Parameter Description
    EWBL Keyword to see E-Way Bill list by other party. It is fixed only for List by other party.
    Date The date for which the list of e-way bills generated by other parties is required

    SMS Format to Reject E-Way Bills

    The format to reject an e-way bill is as below:


    Parameter Description
    EWBR Keyword for Rejection of E-Way Bill
    EWB_No 12 Digit E-Way Bill Number that is being rejected

    SMS Format to Update Transporter

    The SMS format to update the transporter is as below:


    Parameter Description
    EWBU Fixed Keyword to update Transporter in E-Way Bill.
    EWB_No E-Way Bill Number for which the transporter has to be updated
    TRANSIN/GSTIN TRANSIN/GSTIN of the Transporter


    The facility to Generate E-way bills through SMS has been introduced to help smaller taxpayers use the E-Way Bill if they don’t have the need to generate a lot of e-way bills. However, the facility is, after all, limited to generating a single or very few number of e-way bills. To generate e-way bills quickly and easily in bulk, and without going to the GST portal, you should use the BUSY E-Way Bill Software that lets you generate e-way bills automatically.

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