Prosecution Under GST

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tax system that has been implemented in India since July 2017. Under the GST regime, non-compliance with GST laws and regulations can lead to prosecution and imprisonment. Prosecution under GST refers to the legal action taken by the tax authorities against businesses for committing offences such as tax evasion, fraudulent activities, and non-compliance with GST laws. GST laws and regulations govern the prosecution process and may involve penalties, fines, and imprisonment in severe cases. Businesses need to understand the offences and penalties recognised under GST to avoid any potential legal consequences and ensure compliance with the GST laws and regulations.


    What is Prosecution under GST?

    According to Sections 73 and 74 of the CGST Act, it is a severe criminal under GST legislation to not pay taxes on time, pay them in part, misuse input tax credits, or issue the wrong kind of refund. The GST Council established a list of violations that could result in criminal proceedings and prosecution as soon as the GST Act was enacted.

    In a legal sense, the prosecution is any action to hold someone accountable for committing a crime.

    Offences Liable Under Prosecution

    The following offences, if committed, will lead to prosecution:

    1. Supplying goods without an invoice to avoid paying taxes.
    2. Issuing an invoice intends to claim ITC despite no supply of goods or services falsely.
    3. Not reporting GST (Goods and Service Tax) to the government within three months after collecting it.
    4. Fraudulently claiming a CGST or SGST refund.
    5. Putting misleading financial information on fake returns to avoid paying taxes.
    6. Preventing the appropriate officer from doing his job while doing so.
    7. Acquiring items that are subject to confiscation on purpose.
    8. Manipulating the data
    9. Giving incorrect information when a case is being heard
    10. Encouraging someone else to commit fraud.

    Punishment for the Offences

    If any of the aforementioned offences are committed, they will result in the following penalties:

    Tax Amount Bailable or Non-Bailable Jail Term
    100-200 Lakhs INR Bailable Up to 1 year
    200-500 Lakhs INR Bailable Up to 3 years
    Above 500 Lakhs INR Bailable Up to 5 years

    The following offences are non-bailable if a person commits them and the cost exceeds Rs. 500 lakhs.

    1. To avoid paying taxes, provide goods or services without an invoice.
    2. Create an invoice without delivering products or services to illegally claim input credit or refund.
    3. Any GST is collected (even if it is against the law) but not submitted to the government within three months.

    Enacting stricter regulations is compatible with the government’s anti-tax evasion position.

    What is the Punishment for Tampering with Evidence?

    A person may face up to six months in prison and a fine for fabricating information, destroying information, impeding the officer from doing his job or helping someone else do it.

    Punishment will be given to Repeat Offenders

    If a taxpayer commits the same offence again, the sentence for the crime can be up to 5 years in prison and a fine. A taxpayer cannot be sued without the Commissioner’s prior consent.

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    Compounding of Offences under GST

    The taxpayer must appear in court for each hearing if they are being prosecuted for an offence. However, compounding offences aids in avoiding legal action. Compounding offenders under GST is not needed to appear in court and might have their charges dropped upon payment of a compounding fee. In this case, the compounding fee cannot exceed the maximum fine allowed under the relevant regulations.

    Is Compounding an Option in Every Circumstance?

    Most cases can have their fees compounded; however, there are several circumstances where this is not possible, including the following:

    1. Recurring offenders
    2. Anyone who has previously benefited from compounding for purchases of goods or services worth more than Rs. 1 crore.
    3. Anyone charged under the Narcotic Drugs Act, FEMA, or another law.
    4. Any taxpayer who is found guilty in a court of violating GST
    5. Anyone who prevents the officer from performing their duty
    6. Anyone who knowingly submits misleading information in a court case

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    Amount Payable for Compounding

    50% of the tax, a minimum of Rs. 10,000, will be paid as the sum due for compounded offenders. The maximum amount for compounding is greater than 50% of the tax OR Rs. 30,000.

    Abatement of Further Proceedings

    No further legal action will be taken against the accused for the same offence after payment of the compounding sum, and any existing criminal procedures will be dropped. The criminal may potentially be arrested in addition to being prosecuted.


    Prosecution under GST is a serious legal consequence for businesses that fail to comply with GST laws and regulations in India. The prosecution process may involve penalties, fines, and imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence. Businesses need to understand the different offences and penalties recognised under GST to avoid any potential legal consequences and ensure compliance with the GST laws and regulations. By complying with the GST laws, businesses can contribute to the overall efficiency and transparency of the GST system in India.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is prosecution under GST, and how does it differ from penalties?
      Prosecution under GST involves legal action against individuals or businesses for severe offences, such as tax evasion or fraud. Penalties involve monetary fines, while prosecution can lead to imprisonment. Prosecution addresses criminal intent, while penalties are imposed for non-compliance, even without criminal intent.
    • Who has the authority to initiate prosecution proceedings under GST?
      The Commissioner of GST or an authorized officer can initiate prosecution under GST. This involves filing a complaint in court after a thorough investigation and evidence collection. Only designated authorities have the power to start such legal proceedings.
    • What are the key offences that attract prosecution under GST?
      Key offences include tax evasion exceeding ₹1 crore, issuance of fake invoices, fraudulent refunds, falsifying documents, and obstructing GST officers during duties. These acts demonstrate deliberate fraud or misuse of the GST framework.
    • What is the minimum and maximum punishment for prosecution under GST?
      The punishment varies based on the amount of tax evasion. The minimum punishment is six months of imprisonment, and the maximum is five years, along with fines. The severity depends on the offence’s magnitude and intent.
    • Are there specific thresholds for offences to qualify for prosecution under GST?
      Yes, offences involving tax evasion above ₹1 crore qualify for prosecution. Thresholds vary for specific offenses, ensuring only significant violations attract legal action. Smaller violations typically incur penalties or interest instead of prosecution.
    • How does the GST law define “fraudulent intent” in prosecution cases?
      Fraudulent intent involves deliberate actions to evade tax, falsify documents, or claim undue benefits under GST. It indicates conscious wrongdoing, distinguishing it from inadvertent errors or unintentional non-compliance.
    • Can a taxpayer be prosecuted for inadvertent errors in GST filings?
      No, prosecution applies to deliberate fraud or tax evasion. Inadvertent errors or mistakes in GST filings are generally penalized with interest or fines, not criminal prosecution. Intent plays a crucial role in determining the action.
    • What is the process for filing a complaint against someone for GST-related offences?
      To file a complaint, inform the GST department of evidence of the offence. The authorized GST officer investigates, collects proof, and files a complaint in court if necessary. Whistleblower provisions protect informants in certain cases.
    • Is a prosecution under GST applicable to both individuals and businesses?
      Yes, prosecution applies to individuals, businesses, and company officials involved in GST violations. Liability extends to directors, partners, and key persons responsible for decision-making or fraudulent actions.
    • What are the steps involved in the prosecution process under GST?
      Steps include investigation by GST officers, gathering evidence, issuance of a show-cause notice, hearing, and filing a complaint in court. A judicial process then determines guilt and punishment, following due legal procedures.
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